Mass sources (Gradualia)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 168
Country / Town Archive Shelf-mark Title Source type Century Source code
AustriaGöttweig Stiftsbibliothek Cod. rot 234
A-GÖ Cod. rot 234 – Missale OSPPE
Missale 15th century
AustriaGöttweig Stiftsbibliothek Cod. rot 79
A-GÖ Cod. rot 79 – Missale OSPPE
Missale 14th century
AustriaGüssing Bibliothek des Franziskanerklosters Cod. 1/29
A-GÜ Cod. 1/29 – Missale OFM
Missale 15th century
AustriaGüssing Bibliothek des Franziskanerklosters Cod. 1/43
A-GÜ Cod. 1/43 – Missale notatum Zagrebiense
Missale notatum 13th century
AustriaGraz Universitätsbibliothek Ms. 17
A-Gu Ms. 17 – Graduale Seccoviense
Graduale 15th century
AustriaKlosterneuburg Stiftsbibliothek CCl. 588
A-KN CCl. 588 – Graduale Claustroneoburgense OSA
Graduale 14th century Klo-588
AustriaSalzburg Stift St. Peter a IV 14
A-Ssp a IV 14 – Graduale Salzburgense OSB
Graduale 14th century
AustriaSalzburg Universitätsbibliothek M III 23.
A-Su M III 23. – Missale Zagrabiense
Missale 15th century
AustriaVorau Stiftsbibliothek Cod. 254
A-VOR Cod. 254 – Graduale Voraviense
Graduale 15th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. 13314
A-Wn Cod. 13314 – Graduale et Sacramentarium St. Maria Klosterneuburg OSA
Graduale 12th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. 14208
A-Wn Cod. 14208 – Graduale et Sacramentarium
Graduale 13th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. 1821
A-Wn Cod. 1821 – Graduale St. Pölten
Graduale 12th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. 1845
A-Wn Cod. 1845 – Graduale, Sequentionale, Troparium
Graduale 11th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. 1909
A-Wn Cod. 1909 – Graduale Admontense OSB
Graduale 12th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. 1925
A-Wn Cod. 1925 – Graduale
Graduale 13th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. 4812
A-Wn Cod. 4812 – Missale
Missale 15th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. Ser.n. 2700
A-Wn Cod. Ser.n. 2700 – Graduale- Antiphonale Salzburgense
Graduale 12th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. Ser.n. 2837
A-Wn Cod. Ser.n. 2837 – Graduale Neumarkt-St. Veit OSB
Graduale 12th century
AustriaWien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek S. A. 79. A. 4
A-Wn S. A. 79. A. 4 – Graduale Pataviense
Graduale 16th century Pat-1511
BelgiumBruxelles Bibliothèque royale de Belgique Ms. 9008
B-Br Ms. 9008 – Missale Romanum
Missale 15th century
Czech RepublicBrno Archiv města Brna 1
CZ-Bam 1 – Graduale Brunense
Graduale 15th century
Czech RepublicBrno Archiv města Brna 2
CZ-Bam 2 – Graduale Brunense
Graduale 15th century
Czech RepublicBrno Archiv města Brna 6/11
CZ-Bam 6/11 – Missale notatum Brunense
Missale notatum 14th century
Czech RepublicHradec Králové Muzeum Východních Čech (Museum of Eastern Bohemia) II A 2
CZ-HKm II A 2 – Graduale ex Hradec Králové
Graduale 15th century
Czech RepublicPraha Archiv Pražského hradu, knihovna Metropolitní kapituly (The Archive of the Prague Castle, Library of the Metropolitan Chapter) P VII
CZ-Pak P VII – Graduale archiepiscopi Arnesti de Pardubicz
Graduale 14th century
Czech RepublicPraha Knihovna Národního muzea (National Museum Library) XIII B 17
CZ-Pn XIII B 17 – Missale Notatum
Missale notatum 14th century
Czech RepublicPraha Knihovna Národního muzea (National Museum Library) XIV D 12
CZ-Pn XIV D 12 – Missale notatum
Missale notatum 12th century
Czech RepublicPraha Národní knihovna České republiky (National Library of the Czech Republic) I B 10
CZ-Pu I B 10 – Missale OCist
Missale 13th century
Czech RepublicPraha Národní knihovna České republiky (National Library of the Czech Republic) XII A 21
CZ-Pu XII A 21 – Graduale Pragense
Graduale 15th century PrXIIA21
Czech RepublicPraha Národní knihovna České republiky (National Library of the Czech Republic) XIII A 5c
CZ-Pu XIII A 5c – Graduale Bohemicum
Graduale 15th century Pr-13-5c
Czech RepublicPraha Národní knihovna České republiky (National Library of the Czech Republic) XIV A 1
CZ-Pu XIV A 1 – Graduale civitatis Gurimensis
Graduale 15th century
GermanyAugsburg Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg, Oettingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek Cod. I. 2. fol. 4 13
D-Au Cod. I. 2. fol. 4 13 – Graduale
Graduale 13th century
GermanyBerlin Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung Mus. ms. 40078
D-B Mus. ms. 40078 – Graduale ex Quedlinburg
Graduale 12th century Qu-40078
GermanyBamberg Staatsbibliothek Ms. Lit. 22
D-BAs Ms. Lit. 22 – Graduale et Antiphonale Bambergense
Graduale-Antiphonale 12th century
GermanyBamberg Staatsbibliothek Ms. Lit. 6.
D-BAs Ms. Lit. 6. – Graduale
Graduale 10th century
GermanyDarmstadt Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung Ms. 868/b
D-DS Ms. 868/b – Graduale OPraem
Graduale 13th century
GermanyMünchen Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 10086
D-Mbs Clm 10086 – Graduale
Graduale 12th century
GermanyMünchen Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 14013
D-Mbs Clm 14013 – Graduale OSB
Graduale 15th century
GermanyMünchen Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 15730
D-Mbs Clm 15730 – Graduale
Graduale 12th century
GermanyTrier Stadtbibliothek Weberbach 2254/2197
D-TRs 2254/2197 – Graduale
Graduale 13th century
SpainMadrid Biblioteca Nacional de España Vitr. 20-4
E-Mn Vitr. 20-4 – Graduale
Graduale 12th century
FranceColmar Bibliothèque municipale ms. 445
F-CO ms. 445 – Graduale OCist
Graduale 12th century
FranceGrenoble Bibliothèque municipale cod. lat. 84
F-G cod. lat. 84 – Graduale OCarth
Graduale 12th century
FranceLaon Bibliothèque municipale ms. 236
F-LA ms. 236 – Missale notatum
Missale notatum 11th century
FranceParis Bibliothèque nationale de France - Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal ms. 197
F-Pa ms. 197 – Graduale
Graduale 13th century
FranceParis Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Imprimés Ris. B. 24. 137
F-Pn Ris. B. 24. 137 – Missale OSPPE
Missale 16th century
FranceParis Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits ms. lat. 1132
F-Pnm ms. lat. 1132 – Graduale OSB
Graduale 11th century
FranceParis Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits ms. lat. 780
F-Pnm ms. lat. 780 – Graduale Narbonnense
Graduale 11th century
FranceParis Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits ms. lat. 830
F-Pnm ms. lat. 830 – Missale notatum
Missale notatum 13th century
FranceParis Bibliothèque nationale de France - Département des Manuscrits ms. lat. 903
F-Pnm ms. lat. 903 – Graduale
Graduale 11th century
