Chants of the sources

Displaying 201 - 400 of 663
Folio Numerus Pars Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit CID
502050170 San Agath N1 V1 Ego autem habeo mamillas
502050180 San Agath N1 R2 Vidisti Domine et exspe-
502050190 San Agath N1 V2 Propter veritatem
502050200 San Agath N1 R3 Quis es tu qui venisti
502050210 San Agath N1 V3 Nam et ego apostolus
502050220 San Agath N2 a1 Agathes sancta dixit
502050230 San Agath N2 a2 Si ignem adhibeas
502050240 San Agath N2 a3 Agathes laetissima
502050260 San Agath N2 R1 Ipse me coronavit
502050270 San Agath N2 V1 Vidisti Domine agonem
502050280 San Agath N2 R2 Agathes laetissima
502050290 San Agath N2 V2 Mens mea solidata
502050300 San Agath N2 R3 Qui me dignatus est
502050310 San Agath N2 V3 Medicinam carnalem
502050320 San Agath N3 a1 Nisi diligenter
502050330 San Agath N3 a2 Vidisti Domine agonem
502050340 San Agath N3 a3 Propter fidem castitatis
502050350 San Agath N3 W Adjuvabit eam Dominus
502050360 San Agath N3 R1 Ego autem adjuta
502050370 San Agath N3 V1 Gratias tibi ago
502050380 San Agath N3 R2 Gaudeamus omnes in Domino
502050390 San Agath N3 V2 Immaculatus Dominus
502050400 San Agath N3 R3 Beata Agathes ingressa
502050410 San Agath N3 V3 Agathes ingressa carcerem
502050430 San Agath L a1 Quis es tu qui venisti
502050440 San Agath L a2 Medicinam carnalem
502050450 San Agath L a3 Gratias ago tibi
502050460 San Agath L a4 Benedico te Pater
502050470 San Agath L a5 Qui me dignatus est
502050500 San Agath L Ab Paganorum multitudo
502050550 San Agath V2 aa [ref]
502050620 San Agath V2 H [ref]
502050630 San Agath V2 W [ref]
502050640 San Agath V2 Am Beata Agathes ingressa
502060010 San Dorot V1 a1 Ave gemma virtuosa
502060020 San Dorot V1 a2 Paradisi de viridario
502060030 San Dorot V1 a3 Sancta virgo Dorothea
502060040 San Dorot V1 a4 Omni laude digna
502060050 San Dorot V1 a5 O Dorothea Christi grata
502060060 San Dorot V1 R O flos virginitatis
502060070 San Dorot V1 V O benigna pacis stella
502060080 San Dorot V1 H Gens fidelis
502060090 San Dorot V1 W Specie tua
502060100 San Dorot V1 Am O castitate fallerata
502060110 San Dorot Inv a In Dorotheae festo
502060120 San Dorot N1 a1 Nomen tuum Domine
502060130 San Dorot N1 a2 Caeli enarrant gloriam
502060140 San Dorot N1 a3 Cordis puritate
502060150 San Dorot N1 W Specie tua
502060160 San Dorot N1 R1 Laetare Caesarea
502060170 San Dorot N1 V1 Pre decora facie
502060180 San Dorot N1 R2 Populus in tenebris
502060190 San Dorot N1 V2 Illustratur credulus
502060200 San Dorot N1 R3 Inclinare Dorotheam
502060210 San Dorot N1 V3 Pervertentes convertuntur
502060220 San Dorot N2 a1 Dilexisti justitiam
502060230 San Dorot N2 a2 Venite et videte
502060240 San Dorot N2 a3 Dicta sunt de te
502060250 San Dorot N2 W Diffusa est gratia
502060260 San Dorot N2 R1 Dum Dorothea generosa
502060270 San Dorot N2 V1 Dum clamat cuncti
502060280 San Dorot N2 R2 Dum mense februario
502060290 San Dorot N2 V2 Omnes gentes properate
502060300 San Dorot N2 R3 O flos virginitatis
502060310 San Dorot N2 V3 [O benigna pacis stella]
502060320 San Dorot N3 a1 Nil territa supplicio
502060330 San Dorot N3 a2 Lux orta est in Cappado-
502060340 San Dorot N3 a3 Carmen novum decantate
502060350 San Dorot N3 W Adjuvabit eam
502060360 San Dorot N3 R1 Multi credunt paganorum
502060370 San Dorot N3 V1 Hoc factum est laudabile
502060380 San Dorot N3 R2 Dum sub ense praestolatur
502060390 San Dorot N3 V2 Expleta tunc oratione
502060400 San Dorot N3 R3 Contristatus est
502060410 San Dorot N3 V3 Et livore justi
502060430 San Dorot L a1 Nobilis et formosa
502060440 San Dorot L a2 Hiis vero temporibus
502060450 San Dorot L a3 Ad tribunal vinculata
502060460 San Dorot L a4 Clamant omnes blasphe-
502060470 San Dorot L a5 Quem caeli terraque
502060500 San Dorot L Ab O nobilis athleta
502060640 San Dorot V2 Am Tu candens veris primula
502220010 San Cathe V1 aa [ref]
502220060 San Cathe V1 R Petre amas me
502220070 San Cathe V1 V Simon Johannis diligis
502220080 San Cathe V1 H Jam bone pastor
502220090 San Cathe V1 W In omnem terram
502220100 San Cathe V1 Am Simon Bariona
502240010 San Matth V1 a Ave lux et decus
502240060 San Matth V1 R Gratias tibi rex
502240070 San Matth V1 V [Quis hostis mundus]
502240080 San Matth V1 H Exsultet caelum
502240090 San Matth V1 W In omnem terram
502240100 San Matth V1 Am Deus qui proditoris
502240110 San Matth Inv a Surgite pervigiles regi
502240120 San Matth N a1 Ad enarrandam Dei gloriam
502240130 San Matth N a2 Exaltemus nomen Domini
502240140 San Matth N a3 Hic a Deo constitutus
502240150 San Matth N W In omnem terram
502240160 San Matth N R1 Sancti Mathiae solemnia
502240170 San Matth N V1 Benedictio super caput
502240180 San Matth N R2 Gloriose Dei confessor
502240190 San Matth N V2 Ut nos ad dextris
502240200 San Matth N R3 Gratias tibi rex
502240210 San Matth N V3 Quos hostis mundus
502240430 San Matth L a1 Surgens Petrus in medio
502240440 San Matth L a2 Fiat commoratio ejus
502240450 San Matth L a3 Oportet ergo ex hiis
502240460 San Matth L a4 Statuerunt duos Joseph
502240470 San Matth L a5 Dederunt sortes eis
503120010 San Grego V1 a [ref]
503120060 San Grego V1 R Vere felicem presulem
503120070 San Grego V1 V A Domino factum est
503120080 San Grego V1 H Iste confessor
503120090 San Grego V1 W Ecce sacerdos
503120100 San Grego V1 Am Gloriosa sanctissimi
503120110 San Grego Inv a Ad Dominum vigiles
503120115 San Grego N H [ref]
503120120 San Grego N1 a1 Gregorius ortus Romae
503120130 San Grego N1 a2 Lineam sui generis
503120140 San Grego N1 a3 Adhaerebat moralibus
503120150 San Grego N1 W Ecce sacerdos
503120160 San Grego N1 R1 Fulgebat in venerando
503120170 San Grego N1 V1 Beatus vir qui timet
503120180 San Grego N1 R2 Videns Romae vir
503120190 San Grego N1 V2 Quoniam Domini est
503120200 San Grego N1 R3 Dum oraret in obscuro
503120210 San Grego N1 V2 Quia misericordiam et
503120220 San Grego N2 a1 Gregorius ut creditur
503120230 San Grego N2 a2 Studiis liberalibus
503120240 San Grego N2 a3 Hic ab adolsecentia
503120250 San Grego N2 W Amavit eum Dominus
503120260 San Grego N2 R1 Propter intolerabiles
503120270 San Grego N2 V1 Nec fecit proximo
503120280 San Grego N2 R2 Orante beatissimo ad
503120290 San Grego N2 V2 Multum enim valet
503120300 San Grego N2 R3 Vere felicem presulem
503120310 San Grego N2 V3 A Domino factum est
503120320 San Grego N3 a1 Sex struxit in Sicilia
503120330 San Grego N3 a2 Hiis sane monasteriis
503120340 San Grego N3 a3 Qui solebat in sericis
503120360 San Grego N3 R1 Sanctus papa Gregorius
503120370 San Grego N3 V1 Innocens manibus
503120380 San Grego N3 R2 Hodie praeclarissimus
503120390 San Grego N3 V2 Ecce vere Israelita
503120400 San Grego N3 R3 O pastor apostolice
503120410 San Grego N3 V3 Memor esto congregationis
503120430 San Grego L a1 Gregorius vigiliis
503120440 San Grego L a2 Ventis quidem sed jugibus
503120450 San Grego L a3 Caelesti cinctus
503120460 San Grego L a4 Bissenos nummos angelo
503120470 San Grego L a5 Virginum tria milia
503120500 San Grego L Ab Christi fidelis famulus
503120600 San Grego V2 R O pastor apostolice
503120610 San Grego V2 V Memor esto congregationis
503120640 San Grego V2 Am O Gregorii dulcissime
503210010 San Bened V1 aa [ref]
503210060 San Bened V1 R Frater Maure curre
503210070 San Bened V1 V [Benedictus Dei famulus]
503210080 San Bened V1 H Iste confessor
503210090 San Bened V1 W Amavit eum
503210100 San Bened V1 Am Pater sanctus dum
503210110 San Bened Inv a Regem confessorum
503210120 San Bened N1 a1 Fuit vir vitae
503210130 San Bened N1 a2 Ab ipso pueritiae
503210140 San Bened N1 a3 Dum in hac terra
503210150 San Bened N1 W Amavit eum
503210160 San Bened N1 R1 Fuit vir vitae
503210170 San Bened N1 V1 Respexit igitur
503210180 San Bened N1 R2 Beatus Benedictus dum in
503210190 San Bened N1 V2 Relicta domo
503210200 San Bened N1 R3 Beatus Benedictus cum jam
503210210 San Bened N1 V3 Necessit igitur
503210220 San Bened N2 a1 Nursiae provincia
503210230 San Bened N2 a2 Relicta domo
503210240 San Bened N2 a3 Hic itaque cum jam
503210250 San Bened N2 W Justum deduxit
503210260 San Bened N2 R1 Predicta nutrix illius
503210270 San Bened N2 V1 Nutrici in auxilium
503210280 San Bened N2 R2 Quidam rusticus
503210290 San Bened N2 V2 Vir autem Dei in hac
503210300 San Bened N2 R3 Domine non aspicias
503210310 San Bened N2 V3 Cujus manum cum tenuisset
503210320 San Bened N3 a1 Predicta nutrix illius
503210330 San Bened N3 a2 Nutrici in auxilium
503210340 San Bened N3 a3 Recessit igitur scienter
503210350 San Bened N3 W Justum deduxit
503210360 San Bened N3 R1 Eodem vero anno
503210370 San Bened N3 V1 Indicans namque
503210380 San Bened N3 R2 Ante sextum vero exitus
503210390 San Bened N3 V2 Cumque per singulos
503210400 San Bened N3 R3 Frater Maure curre
503210410 San Bened N3 V3 Benedictus Dei famulus
503210430 San Bened L a1 Non aspicias peccata mea
503210440 San Bened L a2 Oravit sanctus Benedictus
503210450 San Bened L a3 Vix obtinui apud Deum
503210460 San Bened L a4 In tempesta noctis
503210470 San Bened L a5 Sanctimonialis autem
503210500 San Bened V2 H Iste confessor
503210500 San Bened V2 W Amavit eum
