Chants of the sources

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Folio Numerus Pars Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit CID
282v 513080110 San Comm. v. Inv a Agnum sponsum virginum 001021
282v 513080120 San Comm. v. N1 a1 Haec est virgo sapiens et 003006
282v 513080130 San Comm. v. N1 a2 Haec est virgo sapiens quam 003007
282v 513080140 San Comm. v. N1 a3 Media nocte clamor 003730
282v 513080150 San Comm. v. N1 W Specie tua*
282v 513080160 San Comm. v. N1 R1 Veni sponsa Christi 007828
282v 513080170 San Comm. v. N1 V1 Veni electa mea 007828a
282v 513080180 San Comm. v. N1 R2 Concupivit rex 006308
282v 513080190 San Comm. v. N1 V2 Specie tua 006308a
282v 513080200 San Comm. v. N1 R3 Media autem nocte clamor 007139
282v 513080210 San Comm. v. N1 V3 Prudentes autem virgines 007139zc
282v 513080220 San Comm. v. N2 a1 Prudentes virgines accepe 004403