Chants of the sources

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
Folio Numerus Pars Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit CID
421 508200270 San Steph N2 V1 Iste Deo se devovit
421 508200280 San Steph N2 R2 Sed cum juventutis metas
421 508200290 San Steph N2 V2 Sub mundanis armis Dei
421 508200300 San Steph N2 R3 Corde Deo credens erat
421 508200310 San Steph N2 V3 In divinis studiosus
421 508200320 San Steph N3 a1 Vir beatus pardum nempe
421 508200330 San Steph N3 a2 Si plebs ista suscepisset
421 508200340 San Steph N3 a3 Magnus Samson ad domandum
421 508200350 San Steph N3 W Non est inventus
421 508200360 San Steph N3 R1 Inter cetera laudanda
421 508200370 San Steph N3 V1 Et ille tunc fuit laetus
421 508200380 San Steph N3 R2 Nobilis stirpe rex
421 508200390 San Steph N3 V2 Rege sibi pro sublato
421 508200400 San Steph N3 R3 Beatus rex Stephanus jam
421 508200410 San Steph N3 V3 [Ut apud Christum]
421 508200430 San Steph L a1 Scandit sanctus alta
421 508200440 San Steph L a2 Hinc exsultat in excelso
421 508200450 San Steph L a3 O conditio miranda
421 508200460 San Steph L a4 Pauperes dono juvabat
421 508200470 San Steph L a5 Sapienter dispensare
421 508200480 San Steph L H Ad sacrum cujus (div.)
421 508200490 San Steph L W Os justi
421 508200500 San Steph L Ab O miranda potentia