Chants of the sources

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Folio Numerus Pars Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit CID
266 513010110 San Comm. Inv a Regem apostolorum
266 513010120 San Comm. N1 a1 In omnem terram
266 513010130 San Comm. N1 a2 Clamaverunt justi
266 513010140 San Comm. N1 a3 Constitutes eos principes
266 513010150 San Comm. N1 W In omnem terram
266 513010160 San Comm. N1 R1 Ecce ego mitto vos
266 513010170 San Comm. N1 V1 Dum lucem habetis
266 513010180 San Comm. N1 R2 Tollite jugum meum
266 513010190 San Comm. N1 V2 Et invenietis requiem
266 513010200 San Comm. N1 R3 Dum steteritis ante reges
266 513010210 San Comm. N1 V3 Non enim vos estis
266 513010220 San Comm. N2 a1 Principes populorum
266 513010230 San Comm. N2 a2 Dedisti hereditatem
266 513010240 San Comm. N2 a3 Annuntiaverunt opera Dei
266 513010250 San Comm. N2 W Constitues eos
266 513010260 San Comm. N2 R1 Vidi conjunctos viros
266 513010270 San Comm. N2 V1 Vidi angelum Dei