Chants of the sources

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Folio Numerus Pars Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit CID
107v 514010060 San BMV/s V1 R Lampas superno lumine
107v 514010070 San BMV/s V1 V Ora pro nobis filium
107v 514010080 San BMV/s V1 H Ave maris stella
107v 514010090 San BMV/s V1 W Post partum virgo
107v 514010100 San BMV/s V1 Am Salve regina misericordia
107v 514010104 San BMV/s C H Fit porta Christi
107v 514010107 San BMV/s C An Glorificamus te Dei Genit
107v 514010110 San BMV/s Inv a In honore beatissimae
107v 514010160 San BMV/s N1 R1 O decus virginitatis