Chants of the sources

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Folio Numerus Pars Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit CID
099 508010110 San Vinc. Inv a Tu es pastor ovium
099 508010120 San Vinc. NN aa [ref]
099 508010160 San Vinc. NN RR [ref]
099 508100010 San Laure V1 a Confitebor tibi Domine
099 508100060 San Laure V1 R Beatus vir Laurentius
099 508100070 San Laure V1 V Qui potuit transgredi
099 508100080 San Laure V1 H Martyris Christi colimus
099 508100090 San Laure V1 W Dispersit dedit
099 508100100 San Laure V1 Am Levita Laurentius bonum