Chants of the sources

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Folio Numerus Pars Tempus Dies Hora Genre Incipit CID
095 3400 Adv 4f N R10 Emitte Agnum
095 3410 Adv 4f N V10 Ostende nobis
095 3420 Adv 4f N R11 Rorate caeli
095 3430 Adv 4f N V11 Emitte Agnum
095 3440 Adv 4f N R12 Germinaverunt campi
095 3450 Adv 4f N V12 Ex Sion species
095 3650 Adv H4/f4 L a5 Annuntiate populis
095 3660 Adv H4/f4 L Ab [ref]
095 3670 Adv H4/f4 V Am O